Hakuouki Live Reading @ Otomate Party 2012


Minna! www I finally translated this. I wanted to do this since looong ago but oh my nihongo ||orz I did it anyway this time, but since Hakuouki uses nihongo that is Hard for me to understand/catch/translate, so I pretty much rephrase/roughly translate it – by ears. But it is so funny I cant help but to share :3

[edited at 29/05 – 14:33]

Translator’s Note: 
[1] Karakuri: I translated it as Doll but it can also be a ‘puppet’. Since Saitou mentioned about ‘meji: Joint’.


Title: Karakuri Oni.. (Demon Doll’s..)

Okita Souji (OS): Morikubo Shoutaro
Saitou Hajime (SH): Toriumi Kousuke
Kazama Chikage (KC): Tsuda Kenjirou
kazama doll (kcd): Tsuda Kenjirou

If you want to watch: HERE (it starts at minute 1:50:39)

OS: Alright, our works are done time to go back to the headquarters but before that how about buying some sweets. (Chizuru) will definitely be happy.
SH: Hm, Souji what are you doing here?
OS: Hajime-kun, I’m on my way back to the hq, you too?
SH: Yes. I’m on way to get the stuffs requested by Gen-san, and then I’ll go back.
OS: I see then which shop are you heading to?
SH: Seems like we’re out of chagashi (tea cakes), I’m going to a Dango shop along this road
OS: Just at the right time, lets go
SH: Yes. Eh? Souji..
OS: What?
SH: What… is that?
OS: Hmm? You’re talking about this thing? *picks smtg up*
OS: Wahhh… what is this, a doll?
SH: It is really well-made for a doll
OS: Hmm how do I say this, it somehow has a hateful expression
SH: That aside, hmm I wonder where have I seen this face before.. (XDDD)
OS: Really? I don’t have any memories of such a hateful face though. (I couldnt catch but you know Souji lol he is so tsun and ebil as always XD)
OS: That aside, since its a doll we should be able to make it move don’t you think?
SH: All the dolls I’ve seen so far, if I remember correctly there should be something on its back..
OS: Hmm, but I don’t see anything like that. Ah, or maybe we should pull this string here?


OS: Ei! *pulls*
kcd: ‘Muahahahaha’ (chii: XDDD)
OS/SH: !!!
OS: Ha..hajime-kun, just to confirm.. did you just laughed?
SH: Definitely no me!
OS: Yeah it’d be shocking if that horrible laugh came from you. Then that means..
SH: Hard to believe but..
OS: Okay lets try one more time, Ei!
kcd: ‘You worthless worm, you should just crawl on the ground like the earthworms’ (lol kazama-sama please XD)
SH: Souji! Let go of the doll, it might be a trap.
OS: I’ve never seen any talking dolls before but then again this is really a hateful one
SH: Souji!
OS: Dont worry, everything seems fine nothing changed. But really, this doll is really well-made.

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