

Title: Namae wo Yonde, Dakishimete (Call My Name, Embrace Me)
Series: Free!
Circle/Artist: Sneeeze (Kubu)
Pairing: Tachibana Makoto x Nanase Haruka
Rating: R-18 (Smut)
RAW | Translated by me, ichigo-day

Please don’t repost elsewhere!
*If the images aren’t showing up, it’s Tumblr acting up. Just keep checking back!

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Title: Suenagaku Oshiawase ni! (Wishing You Everlasting Happiness!)
Series: Free!
Circle/Artist: Sneeeze (Kubu)
Pairing: Tachibana Makoto x Nanase Haruka
Rating: R-18 (Smut)
RAW | Translated by me, ichigo-day & cleaned by my partner in crime, seoulreapers (!!!)

Please don’t repost elsewhere!
*If the images aren’t showing up, it’s Tumblr acting up. Just keep checking back!

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