Synchronized Swimming + Space


Welcome back to another installment of QI Facts + Free! 😀

Today, I’d like to tell you about the Olympics, and how they had an event called ‘Solo Synchronized Swimming’ FOR THREE OLYMPICS. THREE. SOLO. WHY?! WHAT ARE YOU SYNCING WITH?! THE MUSIC?! THAT DOESN’T COUNT!!




Rei looks beautiful, Rinrin. Don’t be jealous. uwu ~

NEXT UP! According to the QI podcast, NASA had said that ‘A Good mission means 99.9% of things go according to plan’. And since a space shuttle has about six million parts in it, that’s an average of 6000 things going wrong inside a successful NASA space mission…!!

That means that…


Too soon? (To relive the Reigisa Mook pain…)


(A huge thank you to @hissorihaka, who didn’t give up on me even when I wanted to. LOL)

I hope you enjoyed this latest installment! Below are other facts I’ve drawn for:

Wetter Water

Fish Kick Stroke + Underwater Swimming

The body’s strongest muscle

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