

岩鳶中学水泳部 活動日誌 07初夏の日の遙と真琴

M: It’s such great weather today, it’ll be good if we can catch many fish
H: Why did you suddenly suggest fishing at the river? Isn’t the usual dam good enough
M: Well…
H: Did you see it on TV?
M: Un, it seemed different from fishing in the sea, it was really cool so I
thought we could do it at the river we usually visit
H: You really like such things
M: We haven’t been to that river for a long time, so it’s just nice… Does Haru
prefer the sea?
H: I’m fine as long as there’s water
M: I’m glad–Speaking of which there were a lot of crabs in that river
H: Yeah, we flipped all the rocks over trying to look for them
M: I wonder if they’re still around
H: They should be, the water here is really clean
M: We were so engrossed in finding crabs we got lost
H: But because of that we found a shortcut
M:That’s right! But I’m not very good with taking that route
H: Makoto kept hiding behind me
M: It’s because Haru kept saying there were strange noises!
M: We have to catch many fish today
H: Ah, I got one
M: That’s fast! Haru is amazing
H: It’s heavy
M: It should be a huge fish, Haru do you need help?
H: It’s okay
M: What’s this? Driftwood?
H: It’s not salmon…
M: That’s too bad, but there’s probably no salmon…
M: Ah, I might’ve gotten one! It’s a little heavy
H: Ah! Makoto, you hooked onto my clothes
M: Eh I caught Haru!
H: Makoto, don’t throw it with so much force!
M: I’m sorry Haru!
M: It doesn’t seem to be going very well… I saw them catching a lot on TV
H: Want to try fishing downstream? I’ll try here
M: Then I’ll go up there
H: Ah, I caught one
M: Me too
H: It’s strong
M: I’m glad we caught some–Eh! My fishing line is tangled with Haru’s, I can’t
untangle them…
H: Makoto, stop pulling the fishing rod around, the line is gonna break!
M: Ahh, it broke

H: Can’t get any
M: It’s so difficult, we can’t relax at all
H: Want to try going upstream?
M: Un
H: Makoto, if you’re not careful of your feet…
M: Eh, what…
H: Makoto!
M: Hurts…Ahaha, I slipped
H: Are you injured?
M: Nope, I’m fine, thanks!
H: That’s good to hear
M: I suddenly just stepped on air, hahaha
H: You… Can you stand? Take my hand…Oh no
M: Haru!
H: Makoto you’re heavy, move off me
M: Sorry! Haru, are you okay? You’re all drenched…
H: Honestly… Might as well just swim
M: But it’s a rare chance that we come fishing…
H: We’ll come again next time. Makoto, lets swim
M: Un! It feels so cool and nice
H: The water is good today
M: I don’t really understand, but if Haru says so it must be
H: The sky is really blue
M: It’ll be summer soon. I really love it here, the sky here looks especially blue
H: Is that so
M: It makes you feel at ease
H: It makes you feel calm
M: Un

M: Haru, look, there’s spring water at the deeper part of the river,
lets go look
H: Un
M: It’s so amazing here, the water is sparkling and really pretty
H: It’s so dazzling
M: It’s our first time coming here, Haru
M: (laughs)
H: What is it?
M: There are so much water grass (seaweed?) stuck on Haru’s hair
H: Eh… Ah!
M: You shouldn’t do it so carelessly, let me help
H: No need
M: They’ll get tangled up with your hair, come on Haru, stand still
H: I already said it’s okay…
M: Just a bit more… Ok, it’s gone… Ah, it’s cold! Why did suddenly splash
water on me!
H: You have grass on you too
M: Liar! Ah! (gets splashed again)
H: More grass was stuck on
M: You’re definitely lying!
H: Makoto!
M: Eh! What, again?!
H: You let down your guard
M: Wha–Take this! (splash) Haru, really
H: Makoto…(laughs)
H: Makoto, there’s a rainbow
M: It’s true! Ne, Haru
H: What is it
M: Lets come together again next time
H: Un

Rough translation from Chinese->English I did before listening to the track, so please forgive any mistakes! ^^

Here it is! There’s Japanese and English for everything, and romaji for the lyrical parts.

Track 13: Please Stay With Me

C: 平助君。。。Heisuke-kun…

H: 山南さんの事は、俺が何とかする。本当なら、油小路で死んでた俺にとっちゃ、今ここにいれる事自体、夢みてえなもんだよ。だからさ。どうせ死んでるようなもんなら、最後に山南さんを道連れにこの世から消えてやるさ。I’ll
figure something out about Sannan-san. Really, for me who supposedly died at
Abura-Kouji, the fact that I can be here now is like a dream! So you see…since
I’m going to die anyway, at the end I’ll take Sannan-san with me and disappear
from this world. 

you…Are you being serious? 

H: うん。どうせ何やっても死ぬんだ。何もせず灰になって死ぬより、まだ戦って果てた方がましだ。Sure.
No matter what I do I’ll die. So instead of just simply turning to ash without
doing anything, it’s better to go down fighting.


C: 平助君はまだ生きているのに

それなのに生きるのを 諦めちゃうくらい



Heisukekun wa mada ikiteiru no ni

Sorena no ni ikiru nowo akiramechaukurai

Minna to isshoni ikitekita kono yo ni

Kachi ga nai to omou no 

even though you’re still alive

You’d do
something like give up on living

Do you think
that there’s no value to the world

You’ve lived in together with everyone?

果てた方がましなんて そんなの酷すぎる

Hateta houga mashi nante Sonna no hidosugiru

something like it’s better to die, that’s too horrible.



Watashi wa Watashi wa konnani Heisukekun wo

Ushinaitakunai to negatteiru no ni 

Even though
I don’t want to lose Heisuke-kun in this way.

C: 私は認めたくない。平助君と一緒に生きる方法を絶対に見つけたいの!I
won’t accept this. I definitely want to find a way to live together with you!

There probably isn’t time to find a way. If I’ve given up, you should—        

C:何とかする!I’ll figure
something out!

H:探したくとも。。。Even if you want to find a way…


Ima nimo kono ashi ga kuzureru kamoshirenaindazo

At any time
these legs will probably crumble


Dattara watashi ga sasaeru yo 

In that case
I’ll support you



Te ga todoitemo sugu ni kono ude ga kuzureru kamo 

Even if I
reach out my hand this arm will probably soon crumble


Dattara watashi ga te wo nobasu yo

In that case
I’ll reach out my hand.

H: 俺は。。。言われていきなり前向きになれるほどガキじゃない。正直、羅刹を救う方法があるなんて信じられない。だけど、方法があるって信じてるお前を信じる事が出来ると思う。いつ死ぬかわからねえ身だけどさ。もう少しだけお前のために生きてみるよ。Even
if you say that I’m not such a kid that I can suddenly be so positive.
Honestly, I don’t believe that there’s a way to save a fury. But, if you believe there’s a way then…I can
believe in you. I don’t know when I’m going to die. But just for a little while
longer, I want to live for you. 

C: 平助君。。。Heisuke-kun…


C: 絶対に飲まないって言ったけど。。。ごめんね!You
said that you definitely wouldn’t drink it but…I’m sorry!

H: 千鶴。。。やめろ、何するんだ!千鶴。。。
Chizuru…stop, what are you doing? Chizuru… 

C: これ以上。。。苦しむ平助君見たくないの!I…don’t
want to see you suffer any more than this!


Onegai, mamorarete bakari dakara yakuni tachitaino!
Heisuke-kun no yaku ni…

Please, I’ve
always been protected so I want to be useful! Useful to you…

H: ごめん。。。!I’m


H: また。。。助けられちまったな。It
looks like I’ve been saved again.

C: まただなんて~

H: 俺はいつも助けられた馬鹿だな。羅刹になる前かもずっと。俺は羅刹だ。今まで斬って斬って奴と変わりない。そいつらと違うのは。。。ただ一つだけ。お前がいるかいないかだけだ!I’m
just an idiot who gets saved by others all the time. Even since before I became
a fury, always. I am a fury. There’s no difference between me and the guys I’ve
been killing up ‘til now. There’s only one thing that makes me different from
them…it’s that I have you!

you say it that way I’ll start thinking I’m important to you. 

are. It’s the same as how furies need to drink blood to live. I can’t live
without you!

もう俺決めたんだ この気持ちを俺は

絶対に譲らない どうしても譲れないんだ

信じてほしいんだ 俺はお前を守る

必ず守り抜く だからこの先もずっと


Mou ore kimetanda kono kimochi wo ore wa

Zettai ni yuzuranai doushitemo yuzurenainda

Shinjite hoshiinda ore wa omae wo mamoru

Kanarazu mamorinuku dakara kono saki mo zutto

Issho ni ite kurenai ka

I’ve already
decided; I won’t give up

On this
feeling, no matter what I can’t give it up

I want you
to believe me, I’ll protect you

I will
absolutely protect you so please for now and forever

Will you
stay with me?

C: いいよ。。。もっと強く抱きしめてくれて。。。うん。。。もっと強く抱きしめて。。。私はここにいる。一緒にいるから!I
will…hold me tighter…yes…tighter…I’m here. I’m here with you!

::explodes from cuteness::